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~Head admin: Zero~
The Lost Academy
Hello guest and welcome to The Lost Academy also known as TLA. Here on TLA we rp as our own characters not canons sorry guys. We also have 2 main rules that are.

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~Head admin: Zero~
The Lost Academy
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 Body Substitution Jutsu

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Posts : 613
Points : 2506
Reputation : 513
Join date : 2010-06-12
Age : 37
Location : Behind you....naked....eating a pie...

Shinobi Infomation
Rank: Genin
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PostSubject: Body Substitution Jutsu   Body Substitution Jutsu I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2010 3:26 pm

Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitution Technique)
Rank: 1 (D-Class);
Range: Personal;
Target: You;
Duration: 3 rounds or Instantaneous (see text);
Saving Throws: None;
Chakra Cost: 2.

The user substitutes himself with another object of approximate size that he can lift with his str, found in his general area. This allows him to effectively replace himself with a chakra construct and use this technique to either create a Diversion or Avoid an Attack.

The construct left behind is a fair likeness of the user and can pass inspection at first glance (Spot check DC 10 required to tell that the construct is a fake).

Diversion: The user replaces himself with a construct that appears in his square, while he may move up to 30 feet away or his current land speed (whichever is shorter). The construct can follow a single, simple command that may be any single of the following: Stay still, run, walk, eat, sleep, swim, and jump.

The construct will follow the command for up to 3 rounds, until dismissed or it comes in contact with a physical object of any kind, no matter how light. The replacement cannot spring a trap unless the object used can potentially do so (ie, a log might trigger a pressure plate trap).

The replacement does not evade, dodge, block, and is not capable of sentient thought, nor is it capable of performing any activity beyond its given command. It is completely non-responsive and cannot be altered after being created, and is likely to act in an uncharacteristic way that will make the deception obvious to anyone interacting with it. When creating the diversion, the user can make a Hide check if he moves out of line of sight unless closely observed while doing so. He may hide without penalty as long as he has sufficient cover.

A creature that can See Chakra or See Through Chakra can make a Spot check (DC 10) to notice a strange pattern of Chakra over the construct, which will in turn enable it to make a Int check (DC 16) to identify the construct as being a replacement.

Avoiding an Attack: The user performs Kawarimi as an instant action before an enemy attack roll (melee or ranged attack, touch attack, or grapple attempt) targeting him specifically. To do so, the user cannot be flat-footed or denied his Dexterity bonus to defense. Skill threshold does not apply to avoid an attack.

Avoiding an attack costs 2 points of chakra, and can be done up to 1 time per encounter. The user cannot avoid an attack if he is paralyzed in any way.

To avoid the attack, the user must make a Spd check opposed to the opponent's attack roll (add 5 if the attack roll is a Chakra Control, Genjutsu or Ninjutsu effect, a natural 20 or a confirmed critical), minimum 15. Success means that the user replaces himself with a construct (as per Diversion above) that is immediately destroyed.

Avoiding an attack must be declared before knowing the result of the attack roll. Failure means that the chakra spent trying to avoid the attack is wasted, and the technique fails.

If performed with only one hand free add 3 to the chakra cost or no hands free add 5 to the chakra. Each use of Avoiding an Attack stacks with all other techniques with effects that allow you to Avoid an Attack, such as Hijou Kawarimi no Jutsu or Shundou.

  • Every step of mastery after the first allows the technique to be used an additional time per day, up to 5/encounter.
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