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 Puppet Cores and Components

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PostSubject: Puppet Cores and Components    Puppet Cores and Components  I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2010 9:20 pm

Puppet Cores
A puppet core details the bonuses the puppet gains. The
puppet, when animated, advances like a normal construct. The entries for each category
are either fixed (for example, the Small Combat Puppet's Strength score is 12) or a bonus,
followed by the descripton and the details of the ability.

Puppet Cores Info
HP: the amount of health the puppet has plus the bonus hp it gains for size.
Str: bonus added to the puppeteer's Str to determine the puppets base damage.
Dex: bonus added to the puppeteer's Dex to determine the puppets ability to hit.
Weight: the weight of the puppet without components

Small Combat Puppet:
HP: 20+ bonus HP for size
Str: +10
Dex: +5
Weight: 25 lb
Cost: 90 ryo

Small Utility Puppet:
HP: 20+ bonus HP for size
Str: +5
Dex: +10
Weight: 30 lb
Cost: 75 ryo

Medium Combat Puppet:
HP: 40+ bonus HP for size
Str: +15
Dex: +10
Weight: 50 lb
Cost: 115 ryo

Medium Utility Pupprt:
HP: 40+ bonus HP for size
Str: +10
Dex: +15
Weight: 60 lb
Cost: 100 ryo

Large Combat Puppet:
HP: 60+ bonus HP for size
Str: +20
Dex: +15
Weight: 100 lb
Cost: 140 ryo

Large Utility Puppet:
HP: 60+ bonus HP for size
Str: +15
Dex: +20
Weight: 120 lb
Cost: 125 ryo

Puppet Components
One of the most important asset of a puppeteer is the number of Component a puppet has.
Some puppeteer may chose quality over quantity, but a hefty number of weapons or
gadget is very important to have a useful puppet.

Puppets without a melee weapon component has a slam attack the deals 2 damage (small), 4 damage (medium), or 6 damage (large).

Regardless of type, a puppet can only contain a set number of components, as shown

Size: small
Bonus Hit Points: 5
Head: 0
Limbs: 2
Chest: 1

Size: medium
Bonus Hit Points: 10
Head: 1
Limbs: 3
Chest: 2

Size: large
Bonus Hit Points: 20
Head: 2
Limbs: 3
Chest: 3

Component Info
Body Slot: The body slot the component fits in. It is free if the component is uninstalled.
Points: The number of points, utility, combat or free, the component requires when
installed. The points are freed if the component is uninstalled.
Cost: The component's ryo cost.
Weight: The component's weight adds to the puppet's weight.

Additional Limbs: Each additional pair of limbs may provide a puppet with an extra attack, although it is treated as a normal creature with multiple limbs. This component can be taken multiple times, but each time, the Weapon Points
cost increase by 1 (1 for the first, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, and so on).
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 1 weapon.
Cost: 100 ryo
Weight: 4 lbs.

Adept Body: The puppet's body is far easier to control, and reduces the cost of the Puppetry Technique by 2 Chakra
Body Slot: Chest.
Points: 1 utility.
Cost: 150 ryo
Weight: Puppet weight reduced by 5 pounds.

Armor Plating: The plating provides the puppet with a +2 armor bonus to defense.
This enhancement can be taken multiple times, and
its effect stack.
Body Slot: Chest.
Points: 1 utility.
Cost: 160 ryo
Weight: 8 lbs.

Blades: With this component, the puppet's main hand holds a weapon that deals damage
as though a claw attack the puppet's size category.
Small: 4
Medium: 6
Large: 8

When making an attack with a "blades" component, treat as though the puppet
was wielding a weapon the puppeteer is proficient in.
The blades cannot be disarmed, but they can be sundered.
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 1 weapon.
Cost: 150 ryo
Weight: 1 lb.

Hidden Blades: This component uses no slot but must instead be attached to the Blades
component. The blades are contained in the puppet's body instead.
The target must succeed an Int check or lose its Dexterity bonus to defense
against the first attack.
The blade afterwards function as a normal Blades component.
Body Slot: None.
Points: 1 weapon.
Cost: 200 ryo
Weight: 0 lbs.

Huge Blades: Same as blades, but the weapon deals damage as though two size category
larger than it is in reality. This component does not stack with any other Blades
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 3 weapon.
Cost: 250 ryo
Weight: 5 lbs.

Large Blades: Same as blades, but the weapon deals damage as though one size category
larger than it is in reality. This component does not stack with any other Blades
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 2 weapon.
Cost: 200 ryo
Weight: 3 lbs.

Hollow Blades: This component can be added on any Blades component except Hidden Blades, and therefore
does not use a body slot. This component allow the puppet's claw attack to hold two doses of poison instead of 1.
Body Slot: None.
Points: 1 weapon.
Cost: 180 ryo
Weight: 0 lbs.

Bomb: This component allows the puppet to self-destruct. The puppet deals 10 points of
fire damage (maximum 60) per 2 points of Chakra the puppeteer spends, which can be
halved with a Dex save. The blast radius is 10-ft. (small), 20-ft.
(medium) or 30-ft. (large).
When this component is used, the puppet is deanimated and immediately destroyed.
Body Slot: Any.
Points: 2 weapon.
Cost: 150 ryo
Weight: 10 lbs.

Cannon: This cannon is integrated as a hidden weapon in the puppet's head or limb. The
puppet can hold up to 5 smoke bombs, grenades, shurikens, kunais, throwing needles or other
such small projectile, which it can throw normally without needing to draw them. The
projectiles must be replace after use.
Body Slot: Head or Limb.
Points: 1 weapon.
Cost: 200 ryo
Weight: 5 lbs.

Detachable Limbs: The puppet's limbs can detach and re-attach itself. The limbs can be moved up to 30ft away from the puppets body.
Body Slot: None.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 150ryo
Weight: 0 lbs.

Dragon's Breath: The puppet releases a 20-ft. cone-shaped burst of fire. Any creature
caught in the area of effect of the cone takes 25 point of fire damage, halved on a
successful Dex save.
The component must be reloaded after each use, and costs 70 ryo.
Using this component costs the puppeteer 2 points of Chakra.
Body Slot: Head.
Points: 1 weapon, 1 utility.
Cost: 180 ryo.
Weight: 2 lbs.

Grand Dragon's Breath: Same as dragon's breath, but the damage is 50 and the cone is
a 40-ft. burst.
The component must be reloaded after each use, and costs
70 ryo. Using this component costs the puppeteer 6 points of Chakra.
Body Slot: Head.
Points: 2 weapon, 1 utility.
Cost: 360 ryo.
Weight: 4 lbs.

Elemental Cannon: The puppet can shoot elemental "bullets". The attack roll is modified by the puppeteer's Intelligence
This component must be loaded with an Elemental Scroll.
Each bullets deal 15 points of damage of the type determined by the scroll used (a Fire
Scroll would deal fire damage, Ice Scroll cold damage, Lightning Scroll electricity
damage and so on). Each bullet has a range
increment of 20 feet (maximum 5 range increments).
Each scroll can fire 4 bullets; the scroll is destroyed when empty. Firing a bullet costs the
puppeteer 1 point of Chakra. This component cannot be installed with a Blades component.
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 2 weapon.
Cost: 190 ryo.
Weight: 2 lbs.

Superior Elemental Cannon: Same as Elemental Cannon, but the attacks deal 6
points of splash damage to creatures in squares adjacent to the target. Each
bullet costs the puppeteer 2 points of Chakra.
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 4 weapon.
Cost: 240 ryo.
Weight: 2 lbs.

Elemental Cannon Holster: This component is installed
with the Elemental Cannon component and allows the puppet to carry 4 elemental scrolls.
Body Slot: None.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 140 ryo.
Weight: 3 lbs.

Extendable Limbs: With this component, the puppeteer is able to increase the reach of a
puppet's limbs by 5 feet.
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 3 utility.
Cost: 160 ryo.
Weight: 4 lbs.

Force Shield, Minor: The puppet holds or creates a shield, making it
unable to attack. The shield is bright blue and made of chakra, and
grants the puppet a +1 shield bonus to Defense. The shield lasts for 1 minute. Activating
this component costs the puppeteer 1 point of Chakra.
Body Slot: Limb.
Points: 1 utility.
Cost: 100 ryo.
Weight: 1 lb.

Force Shield: Same as Force Shield, Minor, except that the bonus is +2. The chakra cost
is 2.
Body Slot: Limb.
Points: 1 utility.
Cost: 130 ryo.
Weight: 1 lb.

Force Shield, Greater: Same as Force Shield, Minor, except that the bonus is +3 and the
puppet suffers a -1 armor penalty to checks. The chakra cost is 3.
Body Slot: Limb.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 160 ryo.
Weight: 1 lb.

Hollow Body: This component allows the puppet to store weapons or items in its body.
The hollow body can hold 1 item one size category larger
than the puppet, 2 items of the same size, 4 items one size category smaller, and so on.
Body Slot: Chest.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 160 ryo.
Weight: Puppet weight reduced 5 pounds.

Improved Servos: The puppet gains a +2 bonus to Strength, and all attack
damage increased by 10 (this doesn't stack with the Blades components' increase).
Body Slot: Limb.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 240 ryo.
Weight: 10 lbs.

Torso Tank: With this component, the puppet gains the Swallow Whole special ability,
except that the creature is located in the puppet's torso instead of its mouth. The
puppeteer can also control a puppet from within its Torso Tank.
The puppet counts as though it was one size category larger for the purpose of
determining what size of creature it can "swallow".
Body Slot: Chest.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 250 ryo.
Weight: 10 lbs.

Iron Maiden (Requires Torso Tank Component): The puppeteer, if he has a creature
caught in the puppet's Torso Tank, may make a melee attack every round with a
+15 bonus to hit. If the attack hits, the creature
suffers 30 points of piercing damage from the attack. Those iron spikes can be retracted
back into the puppet.
Body Slot: Chest.
Points: 3 weapon.
Cost: 200 ryo.
Weight: 10 lbs.

Light Frame (Small or Medium-sized only): The puppet gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity,
but suffers a -2 penalty to Strength.
Body Slot: Chest.
Points: 1 utility.
Cost: 120 ryo.
Weight: Puppet weight reduced by 10

Locking Gauntlets: With this particular component, the puppet is able to wield a
weapon with the same proficiencies as its puppeteer. It also gains a +4 bonus to checks to
resist disarms. This component can be purchased more than once, each time it applies to a
new limb.
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 1 utility.
Cost: 140 ryo.
Weight: 1 lbs.

Kunai Shower: The puppet releases a torrent of kunai in a 15-ft. cone-shaped burst. The
burst deals 10 points of damage, and can be avoided with a Dex save (DC
13+Puppeteer's Int bonus). Once fired, this component is discharged an must be reloaded at a cost of 30 ryo.
The trap can be coated in injury poison by applying 5 doses before installation, though it
reduces the efficiency of the poison used (Save DC reduced by 2).
Body Slot: Any.
Points: 1 weapon.
Cost: 180 ryo.
Weight: 2 lbs. pounds (minimum half).

Kunai Shower Mark II: Same as kunai shower, except that the damage dealt is 15
and the Dex save is (DC 15+bonus).
Body Slot: Any.
Points: 2 weapon.
Cost: 220 ryo.
Weight: 4 lbs.

Kunai Shower Mark III: Same as kunai shower, except that the damage dealt is 25
and the Dex save is (DC 17+Int bonus).
Body Slot: Any.
Points: 2 weapon.
Cost: 260 ryo.
Weight: 6 lbs.

Makibishi Launcher: The component contains enough makibishi to cover a 10-ft. by 10-
ft. area with each charge. The Makibishi Launcher holds up to 2 charges as a Chest component, or 1 charge as a Limb
or Head component. Recharging costs 60 ryo per charge.
Body Slot: Any.
Points: 1 weapon and 2 utility (head or limb) or 2 weapon and 1 utility (chest).
Cost: 140 ryo.
Weight: 2 lbs.

Net Trap: The puppet fires a burst of netting as a ranged attack with a 20-ft. range.
If the attack hits, the target becomes entangled.
The target can attempt to escape once per round with a Dex check (DC 14+puppeteer's Int
Bonus). The net can only be used on a Medium-size or smaller target, and must be
reloaded after being used, which costs 50 ryo.
Body Slot: Chest.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 180 ryo.
Weight: 4 lbs.

Porcupine Trap: The puppet shoots a torrent a needles out of its body in a 20-ft. radius
around itself. Creatures caught in the area of effect suffer 20 point of damage, halved with a successful Dex save.
The needles can be poisoned when loading the component using 5 doses of poison,
though it reduces the efficiency of the poison used (Save DC reduced by 2).
When used, the trap is unusable until reloaded with a 80 ryo (poison not included).
Body Slot: Limbs and Chest.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 200 ryo.
Weight: 5 lbs.

Sea of Open Hands: This counts as a Medium-sized entity attached to the puppet
occupying the five-foot square in adjacent to it. The puppet cannot attack while this entity
is active.
The entity can grapple a target from 15 feet away and counts as a creature three size
category larger than the puppet it is attached to for the purpose of doing so, using the
puppet's strength bonuses.
If the puppeteer deals damage during a grapple, the puppet counts as though it was three
size category larger than in reality for the purpose of doing so.
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 1 weapon, 2 utility.
Cost: 230 ryo.
Weight: 2 lbs (50 lbs. while active).

Shields: The shield-like plating is installed on every limb of the puppet in order to allow
the puppeteer a greater blocking potential. It provides the puppet a +2 shield bonus to
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 2 utility.
Cost: 130 ryo.
Weight: 1 lb per limb.

Tail: The puppet gains a tail whip attack that deals 25 damage. The tail has a reach of 15ft.
Body Slot: None.
Points: 1 utility.
Cost: 120 ryo.
Weight: 4 lbs.

Vise Grip: The puppet deals 15 damage when attacking a creature it
is currently grappling or holds a pin against.
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 2 weapon.
Cost: 180 ryo.
Weight: 2 lbs.

Wire: The puppet has a garrote wire concealed in its hand that can be drawn as a free
action even during a grapple. It requires a full-attack action to sheathe afterward.
Body Slot: Limbs.
Points: 1 weapon.
Cost: 100 ryo.
Weight: 1 lbs.

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