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 Hogosha Clan

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PostSubject: Hogosha Clan   Hogosha Clan I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 8:11 pm

The Hogosha Clan

Clan History:
The Hogosha clan was created over five hundred years ago. During the time when disputes were common matters between the newly formed villages. And the only goal in the mind of the village was to expand its land boundaries, thus expanding its living area and resources. This land pursuits often ignored legal claims and agreements, creating tension and bloody wars between villages. The current district of the Mist Village was most ruthless to their neighboring villages in their military conquests of land and resources. They burned down towns and killed many innocent lives in their quests, angering other villages. After awhile, it became apparent that the Mist Village developed a thirst for war and had no intention of ever being content. Two villages-Leaf and Sand-made a secret alliance and were to ambush the Mist Village on October 3rd, forcing it to surrender. The third of October came, most of the Mist's military was absent on another military march, leaving majority of its shores unguarded. This made an easy ambush for the enemies as they took over the seaport, before setting out to burn the Mist's food and military supplies. The fire began to spread quickly and uncontrollably, and soon the entire village was in flames. The enemies left victorious, leaving behind hundreds of casualties. One elderly priestess, Mai Kugumi, and twenty five of her assistants, were highly skilled in ancient medicine. They attended the sick day and night, until the Mizukage and the army returned. The kage was impressed by how many lives were saved by Kugumi, and he expressed his wish for Mai to train others, so they may serve him in the future wars. Kugumi obeyed his wish, creating the first members of the Hogosha Clan.

The Hogosha Clan loyally served the Mist Village for over three hundred years, until July 13, known as the Saisei Dei. At the time, over thirty percent of the Mist military consisted of the Hogosha clan members. Their early training in the medicine, anatomy, and chakra, created good candidates for Hunter Nins and ANBU. This great percentage gave Shino Hogosha, the Shidousha (leader) of the Hogosha Clan at the time, a high political and military standing. He used his status to make public speeches, pleading the public to look towards peace and criticizing the wars created by the Mizukage. The Mizukage in exchange felt threatened by Shino, fearing that he was creating mutiny in the army and the public. He convinced himself that if Shino was not stopped, he would create a new dynasty where a Shidousha not the Mizukage was the head of the village. On July 12, the Mizukage invited Shino to a private dinner where he ultimately poisoned him, ordering for his body to be disposed secretly on the streets. The next day, July 13, Shino's dead body was found near the bakery, angering the Hogosha clan members. They examined his body and found the dead agent to be poison, from a red flower that was abundant in the Mizukage's garden. That same day, the Mizukage's house was surrounded by hundreds of angry Hogosha clan members. The Mizukage, who undermined the speed that the Hogosha worked at, was taken by surprise. An agreement was made between the two parties: in exchange for the Mizukage's life, the Hogosha members were free of their oath loyalty to the Mist. The following day, the Hogosha had left the Mist village, vowing to never serve as an entire clan under one kage again.

The current Hogosha's residence is secret to anyone but another clan member, though rumors have it is located in the mountains. No matter how many times the mountains have been searched however, no trace of any living civilization was found. As for the Hogosha members, they are bound by a sacred oath of silence and forbidden to reveal the location.

Clan Information:
The Hogosha Clan is famed for its medical abilities and is in possession of over 500,000 scrolls relating to medicine alone. They have a vast library dedicated to forbidden medical techniques, their history, chakra, and the human body. It is only accessible to other clan members, but the Shidousha may make copies of requested material for other kages out of respect or friendship. The Hogosha Clan is constantly trying to expand its knowledge and often had been paid in medical scrolls over this five hundred years. They encourage the use of their library to their clan members as well as their contribution.

What does your clan do for a living? Occupations or hobbies they enjoy?
The Hogosha Clan receives its income from various resources:
  1. Every active ninja in the clan reports at least fifteen percent of their income to the clan.
  2. Retired ninjas manufacture medicine, medical tools, and chakra textbooks, selling them afterwards to other villages.
    Many clan members are successful Hunter Nins or Medical Nins, who are paid well. And the ancient practice of medicine in the clan, makes it a favorable source for purchasing medicine and similar products. The money that the Hogosha Clan receives goes to the clan's treasury, where the treasury advisor to the Shidousha distributes the money according to the needs of others.

The Hogosha Clan is known to produce skillful ninjas, especially Hunter Nins or Medical Nins. It is mainly due to the exposure to medical professions since birth and the clan's strong medical history. However, many others become ANBU members or Jounins who may act as senseis.

How many people are in your clan?
There are currently one-hundred and ten members in the clan.

What are the highest values? What do they consider good? What do they consider evil?
The Hogosha Clan is neither good nor evil, remaining neutral during wars and conflicts. They are known to be loyal and honest, but their ninjas are often heartless in battles (perhaps due to Mist ancestors). As a clan, they believe in honoring the Shidousha (and if a ninja, the kage as well), and are known to be boldly proud of their clan and a village they may have served. They pretend to be neutral toward the Mist Village, but in reality still grudge them the death of Shino Hogosha. Which clearly shows in discouraging clan members to become ninjas in the Mist, and their dislike in selling merchandise to Mist.

Who are the most important members?

Mai Kugumi: Priestess who gave rise to the Hogosha Clan.

Dai Hogosha: The first official Shidousha of the Hogosha Clan.

Akito Hogosha: The first child to be born with Kekkei Genkai.

Shino Hogosha: The second Shidousha of the Hogosha Clan.

Nitta Hogosha: The third Shidousha of the Hogosha Clan.

Yoko Hogosha: The fourth Shidousha of the Hogosha Clan.

Taro Hogosha: A previous Hutner Nin who assassinated three Clan Officials, and is currently a Missing Nin.

Kane Hogosha: The fifth and current Shidousha of the Hogosha Clan.

Clan's Role Today: The Hogosha clan is responsible for paying the tuition and living expenses of their clan members, until they reach the age of eighteen or receive at least a Chuunin rank.

Clan's Secret Techniques or Bloodline traits: The Hogosha Clan practiced marriage within clan members for a century, in order to strengthen their blood ties. Their efforts were rewarded when the first child with the inherited bloodline was born, Akito Hogosha. The bloodline was called Sha, from the last three letters of the Hogosha, and proved to be a doujutsu. There are four levels of the Sha, all dealing with the manipulation of chakra:

Level 1
Hogosha Clan Level1
The chakra supply of the user is restored by 20% when needed.
[Note: In addition with Level 2 it is 40%. And with Level 3, it becomes 60%.]

Level 2
Hogosha Clan Level2
The user is capable of sharing their own chakra with another willing ninja.

Level 3
Hogosha Clan Level3
The user is capable of sharing another willing ninja's chakra.

Level 4
Hogosha Clan Level4
Upon weakening the opponent lightly, the user may forcefully transfer the opponent's chakra into their own body or to the body of others. This will not double your chakra and you'll need to be touching or grabbing the opponent to suck their chakra out over a period of time.

[Note: It is a very rare form of Sha, achieved by few.
The user must proceed through the Sha Ritual* to activate it, which is described below.]

*Sha Ritual is a ritual performed in the sacred building in the Hogosha Residence. To prepare for the ritual, the person is stripped naked and is covered with ancient. He is than given a priest or priestess robes and is led to a different room. There, he is chained to the floor and is surrounded by ten ninjas who began to read from ancient scrolls. There words give the knowledge of how to achieve four, which the user proceeds to do. Before he is finished, his body counteracts and puts him to a test to see if he is worthy of achieving the chakra level. If he is, the writing on his body will be seen to glow gold through the robe and he will achieve the fourth level. If not, he may go mad or bleed internally in the process. This body test is a mystery, for it has tested everyone differently; giving visions to some and incredible pain to others.

Clan training: When a child turns four or five years old in the Hogosha clan, it is send to the Hogosha Academy. There, they are supposed to be prepared to succeed in any village Academy. For the first year, the child is taught about the clan history. The next year, the child also begins to learn different medical herbs, etc., as well as how to handle medical equipment. After another year, they began to study the weakness and strengths of the human body. And in the last two years, emphasize on releasing and controlling chakra, for it is a crucial step in activating the bloodline. Separate classes are held twice every week, teaching about the bloodline. Many children also take an extra class that explains how to channel their medical and bloodline knowledge in a field of their choice, such as ninjutsu.

Clan political structure: The clan is run by the Shidousha and ten of his advisors. The Shidousha has a similar standing in the clan to a Kage in a village. The Shidousha is elected through the Shidousha Ceremony, which takes place a year after a current Shidousha publicly announces his wish to retire. The ceremony is a month long and the winner is announced after the due date. He or she is given two tattoos to distinguish him as the Shidousha. The first is of the clan symbol, that is spread across his back. The second is located on his left cheek, a sacred seal of loyalty to the village, when the Sha is activated, this tattoo will glow yellow. The Shidousha may serves for life or until he/she wishes to retire. His ten advisors each serve five years and are chosen by the popular vote of the public.

Clan Ceremonies and Festivals: Aside from the Shidousha Ceremony, the Hogosha Clan celebrates other important ceremonies and festivals:

Shinsei Fugen is a ceremony performed by every clan member before they enter the Hogosha Academy. The member pleads an oath of loyalty to the clan and promises to keep their secrets. The member than signs their own death contract, which legally and morally allows others to kill him if he may break the oath. After the ceremony, the person may proudly wear the clan symbol.

Chikara Fugoo is a ceremony given in honor to a promising clan member by the Shidousha themselves. The chosen individual is lead through ancient rites and ceremonies, and is given a tattoo on his hand about an honorable warrior. The promised individual must have at least a Jounin or an ANBU rank, and show great promise in the future.

Hajimaru Dei is a festival celebrated on October 3rd. Clan members all over the world gather together to celebrate the birth of the Hogosha Clan. This celebration is ten days long, during which clan members hold friendly tournaments during the day. In the evening, they perform epic theatre acts that tell of their clan history, legends, and famous Hogosha members. During the night, the streets are lit with fire torches, where oriental dances are performed. .

Saisei Dei is a festival celebrated on July 13, marking the independence of the Hogosha clan. It is a week long; the first three days are spend in sacred silence in honor of Shiro Hogosha, followed by four days of celebration for the achieved independence.

The Clan Symbol
Hogosha Clan ClanSymbol
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PostSubject: Re: Hogosha Clan   Hogosha Clan I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 8:17 pm

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